Category Archives: Boat projects, repairs, refitting

New Cockpit Table


A cockpit table has always been high on our things to do list as a nicety sorely lacking from our otherwise comfy and hospitable boat but it has stubbornly remained in our too hard basket……until now.

Attempts at designing and building my own have always stalled.  Relatively expensive materials/hardware combined with my limited flair for engineering have always left me less than inspired. Likewise local  and international options have generally been ill- fitting, expensive or both.

Then I came across the SnapIt range of cockpit tables. Texas based my initial thoughts again were it would be too expensive and too hard.

Yet as I did some measuring I realised that they actually manufacture a perfect Iolanthe size table, to fit Iolanthe’s pedestal and rail diameter off the shelf for $145 US. Not only would they deliver to Australia, but as they offer free delivery in the US they discounted the international delivery costs appropriately as well. Nice.

Now it isn’t varnished shiny teak, but for just under $200 US delivered to my door I now have a great, snaps in place, stable and good looking cockpit table.

Check them out here (no they didn’t give me any kind of discount for a review…..darn should of thought of that 🙂 )


So then what????

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe are back in Sydney for a while now and before too long we will return to the rat race for abit.

Catching up with family and friends has been good.

It is now time to top up the cruising kitty and figure out what next. We do have ideas, we have some thoughts in terms of the boat and formulating some plans.